Converting A Subscriber Into A Customer

 There are two steps in converting a prospective subscriber into a customer.

• You need to convert your visitor into a subscriber - You will need to offer an ethical bribe that your prospective subscribers will really want. No one will want to join or stay on your list if your ethical bribe is mediocre, available everywhere on the internet, or not targeted towards your chosen niche.

• You need to convert your subscriber into a customer - You will need to build a relationship with your list, get them to trust you and your recommendations, and see you as in expert in your chosen niche.

Always follow these tips for better open rates and thus, more conversions:

• Make sure your subscriber can easily identify you as the person who sent the message. You should set up your autoresponder so that your name appears in the 'from' field.

You may want to use both your name and the name of the list like this: Your Name (List Name). As many people will not recognize just your name, especially if they are new subscribers, including the list name may increase open rates.

• In every message you send, address your subscribers by their first name in both your subject line as well as in your salutation when greeting your subscriber.

• Your subject line should CLEARLY state what the message is about. At the same time it should elicit your subscriber's interest, highlight a benefit for your subscriber, or better yet, both. The SOLE purpose of your subject line is to convince your subscribers that they want the information inside the message and therefore should open it.

• Once your subscribers open your message, they will decide within seconds to either continue reading or to close the email. So that your subscribers continue to read your message, greet them by their first name which will subconsciously make them think the email is meant for them specifically.

Follow your greeting with a provocative question or one sentence statement. The idea here is you want to provoke their curiosity as to what the message contains. Never start your message with a long, boring paragraph.

• Make the body of your message as easy to read as possible. Use short sentences and only two or three sentences per paragraph. Include plenty of white space.

Format your email so that it does not go across the entire width of the email. Many marketers think that 65 characters per line is a good number.

Use an easy to read font if delivering your email in HTML (and you should). A non sans-serif font such as Arial or Verdana is best.

• You may want to include a link to a newsletter or blog post that is full of tips. If in your next message, you include a link to something such as a great video tutorial, and then the next message also includes a link to something valuable, your subscribers will quickly come to realize that when they click on a link in your message, they are likely to get something beneficial in return.

They will become more willing to click on links inside your messages, and thus, more apt to click on the links for your promotions.

• At the end of your message, tell your subscribers what to expect in your next one. This will have them anticipating and opening your future message.

Or, if your message is a promotion, include a call to action. TELL you subscribers what you want them to do. This is a vital step that a lot of marketers ignore.
